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9. Reading Skills Comprehension: Education

2023-06-08 17:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1. More public schools for more boys and girls mean the best possible education in the best possible environment to as many boys and girls as possible and as early as feasible in our local conditions. It follows the principle of education to all, as against some education for all or all education for some. An ideal personality does not develop in a vacuum. It enriches itself in a congenial group, a creative club and a well-knit community through healthy interactions on equal footing. An all-around training is a prerequisite for a well-balanced personality. The public school is an apt example of a total environment suitable for balanced development in the traditional Gurukul system.

2.No meritorious boy or girl should be excluded from the admission purview of Indian public schools and none should be handicapped from availing the ample opportunities and elaborate facilities for want of means. Access has to be open and equal to all, irrespective of race, creed, caste, colour and economic or social status. With this aim, the Doon School, the very first of its kind, was established in 1935 at Dehradun by the Indian Public School Society. It was registered by its pioneer, S.R. Das in 1928 was spurred by nationalistic fervour and set the momentum for a continuous sprouting of such schools. Public school education, to be within the reach of the best boys and girls, calls for public assistance. Individuals and organisations cannot undertake this gigantic task. The alternative is to strive to find newer public schools by the provision of social and governmental scholarships to the pupils studying there, who desire as well as deserve public school education on a merit-cum-means basis. Educational opportunities and facilities must be equalised in terms of both quantity and quality. The Central, state and local governments can share the costs in the ratio 6 : 3: 1 among themselves.

3. The entry to a good education should not depend upon wealth, power, class and caste, residence and occupation, but on a child’s intelligence, abilities, talents, achievements and overall merit. Public schools should function as vibrant centres of learning. Public school education should equip men and women to perform their duties justly, skilfully and magnanimously. Public schools are also an important social responsibility of the government as any other school as far as funds are concerned. In the rapidly changing socio-economic. The situation, Indian public schools urgently need to be financially integrated into the mainstream of our national secondary education.

4. Freedom from outside control, a set of rules and regulations and freedom to introduce innovative experiments are the very life and breath of public schools all over the world. Aid has to be without any strings attached.

5. Public education is not to be privatised. A public school is not the prized preserve of any one social group but is a common school for uncommon children and an uncommon school for common children. In terms of physical facilities and academic achievements, public schools are ideal institutions with educational traditions. All gifted children, like the mentally challenged, instead of being handicapped by poor parents, must be helped by the government through a national scheme of scholarships. Inequality of wealth in a mixed economy is bound to reflect itself in the mirror of mixed education.


 Para1. 1. Environment (noun): surroundings 2. Feasible (adjective): possible or attainable 3. Vacuum (noun): space devoid of all matter 4. Congenial (adjective): agreeable 5. Creative (adjective): productive 6. Well-knit (adjective): closely joined together 7. Interactions (noun): the reciprocal action or influence 8. Footing (noun): position 9. Prerequisite (adjective): required as a prior condition 10. Apt (adjective): suitable

 Para 2. 1. Meritorious (adjective): deserving of reward or praise 2. Purview (noun): range, scope 3. Availing (verb): taking advantage 4. Ample (adjective): abundant 5. Elaborate (adjective): detailed 6. Means (noun): wealth 7. Access (noun): reach 8. Pioneer (noun): the first person to do something 9. Spurred (verb): urged 10. Fervour (noun): passion 11. Momentum (noun): the impetus for a course of events 12. Sprouting (verb): to begin to grow 13. Assistance (noun): help 14. Gigantic (adjective): very huge 15. Alternative (noun): another choice 16. strive (verb): make an effort

 Para 3. 1. Merit (noun): ability 2. Vibrant (adjective): energetic 3. Equip (verb): prepare 4. Magnanimously (adverb): with honour 5. Rapidly (adverb): quickly 6. Mainstream (noun): the principal or dominant course

Para 4. 1. Regulations (noun): laws prescribed by authority 2. Innovative (adjective) creative and original 3. Without any strings attached (phrase): free of conditions or limitations

Para 5. 1. Privatized (verb): to transfer ownership from government control to private enterprise 2. Prized (adjective): valuable 3. Preserve (noun): something reserved 4. Ideal (adjective): the epitome of extreme excellence 5. Handicapped (verb): to be hindered or placed at a disadvantage


1. Choose the correct option:

(a) The Doon School was established in

 (i) 1920           (ii) 1935          (iii) 1928          (iv) 1930

(b) The Central, state and local governments should share the costs of providing educational opportunities in the ratio of:

(i) 3: 6: 1         (ii) 6: I: 3           (iii) 6: 3: 1              (iv) 1: 3: 6

(c) ‘Gifted children’ referred in the passage means:

(i) boys                                    (ii) girls

(iii) handicapped children       (iv) mentally retarded children

  (d) On which of the following should the entry to good schools depend?

 (i) Power                    (ii) Wealth

 (iii) Talent                  (iv) Caste

(e) ‘purview’ in paragraph 2 refers to:

(i) scope                      (ii) prevent

 (iii) knowledge           (iv) circle

 (f) Entry to a good education should depend on:

 (i) complete worth     (ii) wealth

(iii) talent                    (iv) knowledge

2.Answer the questions briefly:

 (a) What urged S.R. Das to start the Doon School?

 (b) What are the values associated with public schools?

(c) How can public schools be run smoothly and efficiently?

(d) According to the author, what should be the criteria of admission to a Public School?

(e) Which word in opposite Para 2 is meaning to ‘denial’?

(f) The word ‘meritorious’ is a/an………..   (noun/adjective)


1.(a) ii                        (b) iii                        (c) iv               (d) iii               (e) i

2.(a) A desire to provide the best possible education to Indian boys and girls in the best possible environment, urged S.R. Das to start the Doon School.

 (b) Liberty, equality and fraternity are the values associated with public schools.

 (c) Freedom from outside control, a set of rules and regulations and permission to introduce innovative experiments can help to run public schools smoothly and efficiently.

(d) The admission of a child should depend on his/her talents, intelligence, achievements and overall merit; and not on his/her class, wealth and caste.

(e) access

 (f) adjective

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